
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thai Chilli Basil Beef and Modified Doubles

This is one of the most simple stir-fries around. Doesn't require much seasoning as long as you got your handy bottle of Fish Sauce it's all good. :)

I start throwing in some random vegetables and before I know it, my wok was full! It was so yum though so lucky to have extra for lunch.

My friend DigiKing was sharing his recipe for the Trinidadian Favourite Doubles with me on Facebook and I couldn't wait to try it out. But after reading the recipe, there were instructions on how to make the "Bara" - the fried dough/bread that you fill it with the Curried Channa (Chickpeas)...I thought about it for a minute, and knew there's no way I'm gonna try make the Bara. So I modified and here's the first FAILED attempt with puff pastry.

Dr Rats and my flatmate were my test subjects. It wasn't too too bad. I just need to figure out a way to wrap this thing prettier and not let the filling escape. I made it again when I went to Melbourne to visit MrShyGuy. It's actually a really good snack. I would recommend for potluck or picnics.

My Piggierised Version of Doubles

(Guess it's a bit influenced by Curry Puffs)

  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Cummin
  • Can ChickPeas
  • Tumeric
  • Ground Coriander
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Puff Pastry

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